Privacy Policy
ICO Registration No: 04578108
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
We wish to reassure you that we will honour our obligations under the new GDPR Regulation and are strongly committed to protecting your personal data and privacy for you and all of our customers.
This new regulation becomes effective from 25th May 2018 and provides additional protection and privacy to individuals relating to the processing of personal data.
Use of your Personal Information and Images
All data is on a secure computer server system in our controlled environment and protected from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.
Information that you provide:
We at Michelle Fowler Photography Ltd do not share any information to any other party.
Contact Details are relevant to facilitate your order: Your name, address, email address and telephone numbers.
Booking Details: Additional to the contact, names (and age of younger children) of all individuals to be included in the photographs are needed to help plan towards your sitting/event.Direct Payments via Telephone Orders: If a member of Michelle Fowler Photography Ltd takes your payment over the telephone your card details are entered into our Worldpay card reader immediately, during your conversation with us. This information is not saved nor is it disclosed to anyone.
Your Studio Images: As many people & families contact us several times to order images one by one, over a long period we agree to securely save the images (not Schools) for a maximum period of up to 10 years. They can be deleted if you would prefer. Please do let us know what you would like us to do with your images.
None of our images are shared with any other media platform or advertisement unless you have personally agreed to this.
Uploaded Studio / Commercial/ Wedding Images to Our Website: On your request we will upload your images directly to our website. For your security you will be given your own personal login code and username to access the copyrighted images and the opportunity to purchase photographs directly from Our Website. The copyrighted images will be available to view for a maximum of 3 weeks. We do not share the login code and username with anyone else.
Online Payments for Studio and School Orders: When personal information such as credit/debit card numbers are transmitted via our online ordering services it is protected through the use of encryption, such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol leading a direct link to our SagePay Payment Processing Gateway. Bank and card details are not saved on any system and are unknown to us.
Your School Images: As above, many people leave it for a good while before placing their order; for all sorts of reasons. We do securely save the images for a reasonable length of time to cater for them and also to ensure that parents who may have forgotten to place their order still can do even up to the following year.
We do not share your School images with any other media platform or advertisement unless you have personally agreed to this. If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact us on 01670 513885.
If your school have requested that online ordering is made available to parents the copyrighted images will be uploaded to view with the opportunity to purchase photographs. For the individual photographs, each child is given their own personal encrypted code for the parent to access the copyrighted images.
You are request to complete the online order form only to help us ensure that you receive the correct items for your order and it is delivered to you either via your School or direct to your home. Your telephone number and email address are required for us to contact you with regards to any query about your order. We have received a Privacy policy from our photographic Lab confirming the security of the images and your information is stored in a secure and controlled environment where they are safe and not shared with anyone else.